image/svg+xml Frontless.js - a node.js stack for universal javascript applications. N a tu r al R outing All files ending with *.riot extension that placed in the pages directory become site pages. It works similar to php scripts or html pages. For example: [index.riot -> GET /, page.riot -> GET /page]. Async SSR The pages in Frontless are rendered after all fetch operations in children components are complete. Which means you can make asyncronous queries in children components It is just Express All Riot components rendered on the server side initialize in browser with last state they were on the server side. Frontless Frontless Features About Frontless GitHub Docs @nesterow GitHub Docs a node.js stack for universal javascript applications Examples Feathers.JS + Riot.JS + Turbolinks + Express.JS Frontless.JS is a minimalistic node.js SSR stack for building universal (isomorphic) javascript applications. It is built to boost a developer's productivity and eliminate as much repeated routine as possible. At the core, Frontless is just a small Express.JS server that provides powerful tools for building SSR web applications.Frontless is built around the best javascript technologies: and Feathers.JS, Riot.JS, Turbolinks, Express.JS