Jul 29, 2019, 4:30:32 PM

Application Structure

1. Assets

Media assets, external CSS and Javascript modules should be kept here.

2. Components

Riot.JS components and application modules. components is set as a root module directory along with ./ and node_modules.

3. Config

Configuration files for browser and server environments.

4. Pages

A web root directory. All Riot.JS components placed in this folder are actual site pages. pages/index.js is an entry point for the javascript application itself.

5. Services

Feathers.JS services and backend related modules should be placed here.

6. Specs

Unit & E2E tests for your application.

7. Client.js

Feathers.JS isomorphic client factory.

8. Plugins.js

Riot.JS plugins. This file should handle server-side and client-side plugins.

9. Styles.scss

An entry point for application styles.