Jul 29, 2019, 4:34:41 PM

Working with MongoDB

By default Frontless is configured to use MongoDB, however advanced users can use any database of choice. In order to run default Frontless distribution you need a running MongoDB instance whether on localhost or remote. For this tutorial I recomend to use free plan on cloud.mongodb.com.

DB Configuration

Open config -> environ.env and add MONGO_DATABASE and MONGODB_URI variables for accessing your mongo instance:


Accessing MongoDB

There are two ways to acess the storage in Frontless:

  1. Using Mongo Driver:
const {MONGO_DATABASE} = process.env
export default (app, mongo) => {
  const Todos = mongo.db(MONGO_DATABASE).collection('todos')
  app.use('signup', {
    async get(id) {
      const todo = await Todos.findOne({id,})
      return todo
  1. Using Feathers MongoDB
const {MONGO_DATABASE} = process.env
export default (app, mongo) => {
  const Todos = mongo.db(MONGO_DATABASE).collection('todos')
  app.use('/messages', service({ Todos, events, paginate }));

Cunsult Feathers Common DB Adapter API