Jul 29, 2019, 4:21:40 PM

User Authentication

By default, Frontless supports user sessions and basic login. It comes with basic user model out of the box.

User model

Default user model consists of following fields:

_id: ObjectID [primary key]
usename: varchar
password: Bcrypt
group: varchar
agreed: bool

User is a MongoDB document so you can extend this model at will.

FeathersJS API

Frontless implements FeathersJS Local Auth Strategy. The user verification module can be found at components/verifier.js.

On the client side Feathers.JS handles authentication per secification:

Login example:

    strategy: 'local',
    username: data.username,
    password: data.password

then((res) => {
    return this.client.passport.verifyJWT(res.accessToken)

then((res) => {

Logout example:


Resticting access to Pages

Add access options to the page specifying if it should be accessed by loggedIn users. Optionaly, it is also possible to verify user group

export default () => ({

    access: {
        loggedIn: true, // only logged users see this page
        group: 'staff' // (optional) only staff has access to it
