Jul 29, 2019, 4:32:37 PM

Handling User Input

Frontless provides utils for handling HTML forms.

Serializing Forms

The simplest way to get the values from a form is to use method serializeForm which takes the form's collected data and returns a name-value map.


  <form onsubmit={submit}>
    <input type="text" name="search" />
    import {serializeForm} from '@frontless/core'
    export default () => ({
      submit(ev) {
        const formData = serializeForm(ev.target)
        // formData == { name: 'value' }

The method submit is executed whenever the user tries to submit form. Then serializer handles the form element from ev.target and returns a JSON-serializable object.

Validating Forms

It is recommended to use validate.js since it works the same way in node.js as in the browser and it gives convenient output to use within javascript components.

Simple Example:

  <form onsubmit={submit}>
    <input type="text" name="search" />
    <span class="error" each={error in errors}>{error}</span>
    import {serializeForm} from '@frontless/core'
    import validate from 'validators/myform'
    export default () => ({
      submit(ev) {
        const formData = serializeForm(ev.target)
        const errors = validate(formData)
        if (errors) {
          return this.update({errors,}) // stop and show the errors